Adjectives with preposition list – English, C1

accustomed to obisnuit/deprins cu
afraid of frica de
alarmed at alarmat de
amazed at uimit de
angry with, about suparat/furios with – a person, about – a situation, thing
annoyed with, about necajit
ashamed of rusinat de
astonished at, by uimit
aware of constient de
bad at slab la
bored with plictisit de
brave of curajos
careless of fara grija
clever of inteligent, istet
close to aproape de
common for comun
content with multumit, satisfacut de
convinced of convins de
critical of critic in privinta
cruel of, to este crud, nemilos din partea lui
dedicated to dedicat
delighted with, about incantat de
devoted to devotat
difficult for dificil
displeased with nemultumit
dissappointed with, about dezamagit
dissatisfied with, about nemultumit
easy for usor
engaged to logodit
envious of invidios
equal to egal
essential for esential
excellent at excelent
fed up with, about satul de
fond of amator de
friendly of, to prietenesc din partea
frightened of speriat de
furious with, about furios de, pe cineva
generous of, to altruist din partea, generos
good at bun la fizica
good of, to a fost bine din partea lui
happy with, about fericit
hopeless at disperat, fara speranta
identical to identic
impatient with nerabdator cu
important for important
impressed with impresionat de
intelligent of inteligent din partea
jealous of invidios pe
junior to mai tanar
kind of un fel de
kind of, to e dragut din partea lui
loyal to loial
married to casatorit
mean of, to saracacios, jalnic, deplorabil
nasty of, to imoral din partea
necessary for necesar
nice of, to frumos din partea
pleased with multumit de
polite of, to politicos din partea
possible for posibil
proud of mandru
related to in legatura cu
rude of, to nepoliticos din partea
satisfied with satisfacut de
scared of speriat de
senior to mai in mare (varsta)
sensible of sensibil
shocked at socat
silly of prost, neghiob, tont
similar to similar
stupid of stupid, idiot
surprised at surprins
suspicious of suspicios
terrified of ingrozit, inspaimantat
thoughtful of profund
tired of obosit
unaccustomed to nedeprins cu/sa
unaware of in necunostinta de cauza
unfriendly of, to neprietenos
unkind of rau, hain
unkind of, to nu este dragut din partea lui
unnecessary for nenecesar
unreasonable of irational
unusual for neobisnuit
upset with, about suparat
used to sunt obisnuit cu / sa
useless at nepriceput la
usual for obisnuit
wrong of a fi in neregula cu

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