Job related Terms in English

Migratia masiva fortei de munca aduce cu sine necesitatea cunoasterii terminologiei specifice in limba engleza. Pe aceasta pagina vei descoperi cuvinte asociate cu angajarea, sinonime, antonime si scurte explicatii in limba engleza care te vor ajuta sa asimilezi cu succes vocabularul specific locului de munca.

a good/smart/clever career move – an action or change of job that helps you to be successful in your career

appointment NOUN- a job, especially an important job

background NOUN – the type of career, training, or education that someone has had

business NOUN – used for talking about business compared to things that you do when you are not working

call NOUN – a strong feeling of wanting to do something, especially as a career

calling NOUN-
a strong feeling that you must do a particular type of job, especially one that you consider morally good

career NOUN –
a job or series of related jobs that you do, especially a profession that you spend a lot of your working life in

career NOUN –
the time when a sports player, entertainer, or artist is active or working

career NOUN –
connected with someone’s career

career ADJECTIVE –
a career politician, soldier, teacher etc wants to be in their profession for a long time and to achieve success or power in it

careers ADJECTIVE –
BRITISH connected with the process of choosing a career

career structure NOUN – BRITISH a system for making regular progress in your career by moving to a more important job or position each time

co-creation NOUN – a way of working together where people from different backgrounds are invited to jointly produce a product or service that will benefit all of them

collaboration NOUN – the process of working with someone to produce something

collaboration NOUN – something that people produce by working together

delegation NOUN – the process of giving some of your work, duties, or responsibilities to a less senior person or a less powerful person

division of labour NOUN – the way that the work that needs to be done is divided so that different people are responsible for different parts of it

employability NOUN – the fact of having the relevant skills, qualifications, experience, or qualities to get a job

employment NOUN – work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company

employment NOUN – relating to jobs and work

encore career NOUN – a second career that someone has after retiring from the first

function NOUN – someone’s job or particular responsibility

gig NOUN – MAINLY AMERICAN a piece of work that you do for money, especially if you are self-employed

hot desking NOUN – a method of working in which people do not have their own desk in an office but use any desk that is available at a particular time

incumbency NOUN – FORMAL an official position

incumbency NOUN – FORMAL the fact of having an official position, or the time during which someone has it

job NOUN – work that you do regularly to earn money. When you ask someone about their job, you usually say ‘What do you do?’, and not ‘What is your job?’ The answer would usually be ‘I am a …’ or ‘I work as a…’, and not ‘My job is’…

job description NOUN – a list of all the things that someone must do in their job

job security NOUN – the knowledge that your job is permanent as long as you want it to be

job-sharing NOUN – a system in which two people share the work from a single job, so that each one works for part of the day or week

labor – the American spelling of labour

labour NOUN – work

line NOUN – the way that communication, authority, or responsibility is shared between people in an organization

livelihood NOUN – something such as your work that provides the money that you need to live

workload NOUN – an amount of work that a person, piece of equipment, or system has to do at one time

metier NOUN – VERY FORMAL the type of work that you are good at, or the subject that you know most about

occupation NOUN – a job. This word is used especially on forms and in formal writing

occupational ADJECTIVE – relating to, or caused by, your job

off-site NOUN – a short trip for all the employees in a particular department or company, especially so that they can learn more about each other and how to work together better

an opening NOUN – a job that needs a person to do it

opportunity NOUN – a job that is available
opus NOUN – HUMOROUS any piece of work that someone produces

order book NOUN – the total work that a company has agreed to do in the future, which shows how safe its workers’ jobs are

pluralism NOUN – FORMAL a situation in which someone has more than one job or position, especially in a church

portfolio working NOUN – a way of organizing your working life in which you work for several different employers and do several different jobs at one time instead of working all the time for one employer

position NOUN – a job in a company

post NOUN – BRITISH a job, especially one with a lot of responsibility

probation NOUN – a period of time during which someone who has been given a new job is watched to see whether they can do the job well and stay in the position

profession NOUN – a job that you need special skills and qualifications to do, especially one with high social status

professional ADJECTIVE – relating to your work or career

professional development NOUN – the process of obtaining the skills, qualifications, and experience that allow you to make progress in your career

professionally ADVERB – in a way that is connected with your work or career

prospects NOUN – chances of success, especially in a job or career

service NOUN – work or duties done for a person or an organization

situation NOUN – FORMAL a job

slot NOUN – a job that someone has as part of a team of people

start out PHRASAL VERB – used about someone’s career

tenure NOUN – the period of time during which someone has an important job or is an elected official

term NOUN – a period of time during which a politician or other official holds their job

trade NOUN – a job or type of work that someone is trained to do

vacancy NOUN – a job that is available for someone to do

walk of life PHRASE – the job someone does or the position they have in society

what someone does for a living PHRASE – someone’s job or profession

work NOUN – a job that someone is paid to do

work NOUN – the things that you do as part of your job

work NOUN – something that someone makes or does in their job

work experience NOUN – the experience and skills that you gain in doing a particular job

working life NOUN – the period of time in your life that you work

workload NOUN – the amount of work that a person or organization has to do

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